Your Attitude Is the Most Important Part of Your Job Search
Whenever I ask a group of people what they think determines whether or not someone “gets the job,” I nearly always get a list that does not include attitude. People think “attitude” is too soft. Not measurable enough.
Never mind that hard-core survivalists and military personnel know that a “Positive Mental Attitude” is such an important determinant of success under pressure that they put it at the very top of their survival checklists!
So when I ask what’s most important to a job search, I might get something like this:
Industry experience
Job specific skills
Relevant education
Interpersonal skills
Solid resume
Well-written cover letter
Interviewing skills
Positive intentions
A personal life goal/vision
We all know someone who has gotten a job without one or more of the above elements. Generally, we attribute that person’s success to luck or good timing, and while it’s true that luck often plays a role, let’s give credit where credit is due. After all, “luck favours the prepared mind,” as they say.
We may lack the science to quantify attitude, but that makes the concept no less important. In fact, it is difficult to overstate the importance of cultivating the right attitude in generating success. Especially when we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you need an attitude adjustment.
Anyone who needs a job has room for improvement, even if it’s just a little. People with perfect attitudes don’t ever need jobs. They get pulled into them. They are constantly in demand, ready for opportunity whenever it strikes. If your life isn’t the perfect blend of hard work, serendipity, and nothing else, then you have room for improvement.